
Innovation Webinar: Best Practices in Integrated Resource Planning: A Guide for Planners Developing the Electricity Resource Mix of the Future

Thursday, January 23, 3:00 to 4:00 p.m. ET | Register Now

Emerging load growth, plant retirements, rising costs, and more extreme weather events – among other factors – are challenging electric utility planning processes across the country. During this Innovation Webinar, authors of a new guide produced by Synapse Energy Economics and Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory will highlight some of the 50 best planning practices for electricity systems undergoing a major transition, as well as a wealth of practical guidance to develop technically sophisticated, clearer, more effective, and state-of-the-art electric utility resource plans.


  • JP Carvallo, Berkeley Lab
  • Shelley Kwok and Devi Glick, Synapse Energy Economics
  • Phillip Popoff, Puget Sound Energy

Moderator: The Honorable Sarah Freeman, Indiana Utility Regulatory Commission