Serving the Public Interest

Your state’s public service commission regulates vital utilities and services that are integral aspects of our everyday lives. Learn how these important agencies work and how to become constructively engaged.

The Mission of Your State Commission: To Serve the Public Interest

State public service commissions are mandated to ensure reliable services at fair, just, and reasonable rates. Inherent in that mandate is the responsibility to serve the public interest.

Core principles of serving the public interest include: 

  • Enforcing regulations that serve the needs of the state (both economic and practical) and ensuring that public service companies comply with established regulations.
  • Promoting and protecting the public’s health, welfare and safety.
  • Educating consumers to make independent and informed utility choices.
  • Protecting the interests of both investors and customers and ensuring that securities issued by utilities meet the needs of the utilities.
  • Considering and balancing diverse perspectives in a fair and equitable manner.
  • Furthering economic development and fostering new technologies and competitive markets in an environmentally sound manner.