Task Force

NARUC and NASEO are providing a forum for the development of state-led pathways toward a more resilient, efficient, and affordable grid through the Comprehensive Electricity Planning Task Force.

Task Force Cohort Roadmaps

Five diverse teams developed visions relevant to any state

Task Force member states are diverse and broadly representative of the nation based on their geography, market models, planning approaches, and state goals. Member states completed their work in five multi-state cohorts, based on their market and regulatory structures and the planning processes they sought to align.

The five Task Force Cohort Roadmaps describe five distinct visions for an ideal comprehensive electricity planning process created by Task Force members. The process is viewed from the state perspective on how to align or integrate distinct planning processes that, historically, have not significantly informed one another. Each roadmap explains one vision for aligned planning, including both procedural and analytical steps, alongside points of evidence for innovative approaches that appear in the vision.

By identifying one or more cohort(s) that are similar to your state, you will be well situated to dive into relevant cohort materials as your starting point.


Once your state has identified cohorts whose efforts are similar to your desired trajectory, please review the corresponding cohort roadmap(s).