Press Releases

September 11, 2023
NARUC, State Members and Partners Highlight Accessible Communication Initiatives for National Digital Connectivity and Lifeline Awareness Week
press release
September 8, 2023
NARUC Statement on the Passing of New Jersey BPU President Joe Fiordaliso
August 21, 2023
New NARUC-NASEO Joint Report Provides Microgrid Framework for Public Utility Commissions and State Energy Offices
August 10, 2023
NARUC Joins New DOE/DOT Joint Office Electric Vehicle Working Group
Press release
July 21, 2023
Utility Regulators and Stakeholders Convene in Austin for NARUC Policy Summit
press release of highlights from the 2023 Summer Policy Summit
June 28, 2023
New Report Explores Federal, State Carbon Dioxide Pipeline Regulation
Press release. WASHINGTON (June 28, 2023) — The National Association of Regulatory Utility Commissioners today released a new report authored by Public Sector Consultants, Onshore U.S. Carbon Pipeline Deployment: Siting, Safety, and Regulation, that
June 21, 2023
New Report Explores Benefits of Clean Energy Microgrids for Consideration by State Energy Offices and Regulators
WASHINGTON (June 21, 2023) — The National Association of Regulatory Utility Commissioners and the National Association of State Energy Officials released a report, Clean Energy Microgrids: Considerations for State Energy Offices and Public Utility Co
May 22, 2023
FERC Appoints New State Members to Joint Task Force on Electric Transmission
press release
May 8, 2023
NARUC President Michael Caron Commends the Work of State Commissions for Public Service Recognition Week
press release for Public Service Recognition Week, May 7-13, 2023
April 14, 2023
New Leadership Announced for NARUC’s Critical Infrastructure, Gas, International and Telecommunications Committees
press release
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