Vets on the MOVE
Making Opportunities for Veteran Employment in Utilities

Welcome to Vets On The MOVE – Making Opportunities for Veteran Employment!

This website is focused on the important task of assisting military veterans transition to the civilian employment—specifically, careers in the various utility sectors and the agencies that regulate public utilities.

VOTM is an updated iteration of a 2018 publication produced by the National Association of Regulatory Utility Commissioners Task Force on Veterans Workforce Development, established by then-president Robert F. Powelson (now CEO of the National Association of Water Companies). Judge Judith Williams Jagdmann of the Virginia State Corporation Commission was appointed to serve as chair of the Task Force. Recognizing the imminent attrition of trained utility employees, the Task Force was charged with reviewing, assessing, and highlighting best practices and lessons learned in both the utility sector and government to help develop a capable workforce and create opportunities for veterans.

NARUC has a long history of leadership around critical utility workforce issues and strongly supporting programs for veterans and training for a transition from military service to utility-related work. A skilled and knowledgeable workforce is critical to effective utility and regulatory functions, making the aging of the utility and regulatory workforce a serious issue. As the U.S. population older than 55 grows from 25.6 million in 1950, to 108 million in 2030, we need to make plans to replace employees who are retiring from the workforce.

Veterans are a prime source of pre-screened potential applicants for energy- and utility-related jobs to fill these numerous impending vacancies. Further, while in service, members of the military develop specialties that often correlate directly with utility-related jobs. Many have set up generators, run electric lines, are experienced setting up communications systems, and have installed water pipes in a variety of geologic terrain. Many also have specialties in areas such as accounting, human resources, and supply chain management. And no matter the individual specialty, members of the U.S. armed forces develop skills in leadership, strategic thinking, teamwork, and commitment to mission. When properly recognized, these skill sets are desirable to many employers, particularly in utility sectors.

NARUC frequently has taken positions to support work opportunities for our nation’s veterans. Building on this history, we have transitioned from a passive document to an interactive  website, which can be continuously updated with new information and resources for both employers and veterans alike.

The employer-focused resources provide practical steps for those organizations looking to hire vets and includes draft military-related language to use in job postings, a list of national career resource links for veterans, and company- and state-specific links as well. It is our hope that companies and state commissions will find this guide both practical and useful.

For veterans, the site offers guidance on how to approach transitioning to civilian employment and we have also provided a job search engine that allows users to search by geographic location and/or utility sector (energy, telecommunications, and water).

This new, improved resource is managed by NARUC’s Select Committee on Regulatory and Industry Diversity, led by Virginia State Corporation Commission Chair Judge Jehmal T. Hudson.

We invite users to let us know if there are related programs and opportunities not captured on the website.

Thank you for your interest in veterans’ career opportunities!