

— Closed to non-members (Commission members only)

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Saturday, February 22

Saturday, February 22
4:30pm – 6:00pm

Executive Committee

Session is open:

Sunday, February 23

Metro Morning Coffee

Sunday, February 23
9:30am – 11:00am

Session is open:

Workshop: State Transmission Planning & Cost Allocation

Sunday, February 23
10:00am – 5:00pm

Open to NARUC member commissioners and commission staff

Join this interactive workshop for in-depth training and facilitated discussion to help states navigate FERC Orders 1920 and 1920A’s requirements for cost allocation and regional planning of electric transmission. Participants will leave with a better understanding of lessons and approaches they can leverage from states in other regions; concrete topical areas to prioritize for their involvement in regional processes; and an understanding of support available to assist.

Registration for this event is free and open to NARUC Members:

This workshop is supported by the U.S. Department of Energy's Grid Deployment Office.

Room: River Birch A

Session is open:



Reliable Emergency Communications: Staying Connected When It Matters Most

Sunday, February 23
10:00am – 12:15pm

Staff Subcommittee on Consumers and the Public Interest
Staff Subcommittee on Critical Infrastructure
Staff Subcommittee on Telecommunications

In an era of increasingly freqiemt and severe natural disasters, telecommunications is crucial for protecting public safety and ensuring consumer well being.  Reliable connectivity supports emergency communications, access to vital services, and the dissemination of critical information.  This panel will examine how the telcommunications and utility sectors work together to maintain service continuity during disasters, with a focus on consumer impact.  Panelists will share best practices and lesons learned.  They will also discuss emerging technologies, strategies for resilience, andpolicy considertions to keep communities connected when disasters strike.

Room: River Birch B

Session is open:


Critical Infrastructure


Lara Walt
Attorney Advisor
District of Columbia Public Service Commission
Todd Early
Michelle Lama
Principal Corporate Counsel, State Government Affairs

Sunday, February 23
11:15am – 12:15pm

Washington Action Program

Room: Meeting Room 16

Session is open:


Washington Action

Sunday, February 23
11:15am – 12:15pm

Staff Subcommittee on Electric Reliability and Resilience

Room: Anacostia D/E

Session is open:


Electric Reliability and Resilience

Sunday, February 23
11:15am – 12:15pm

Staff Subcommittee on Consumers and the Public Interest

Room: Rock Creek A

Session is open:



Sunday, February 23
1:30pm – 2:30pm

Subcommittee on Education and Research

Room: Meeting Room 16

Session is open:



Sunday, February 23
1:30pm – 2:30pm

Staff Subcommittee on Energy Resources and the Environment
Staff Subcommittee on Rate Design

Room: Anacostia D/E

Session is open:


Energy Resources and the Environment
Rate Design

Sunday, February 23
1:30pm – 2:30pm

Staff Subcommittee on Regulatory and Industry Diversity

Room: Meeting Room 15

Session is open:



A Deep Dive into Nuclear Waste Policy

Sunday, February 23
1:30pm – 2:30pm

Staff Subcommittee on Nuclear Issues-Waste Disposal

More than a decade ago, electric customers ceased paying into the federal Nuclear Waste Fund following a lawsuit from NARUC. Today, nearly $50 billion continues to await congressional appropriation to fulfill the intent of the Nuclear Waste Policy Act of 1982: for the U.S. Department of Energy to take on the siting, construction, and operation of deep geologic repositories for the disposal of the nation’s high-level radioactive waste and spent nuclear fuel. Nuclear policy expert and Nuclear Waste Strategy Coalition Executive Committee member Bob Capstick will present to NARUC members on nuclear waste policy and what state utility regulators can do to support federal action towards a national integrated nuclear waste management program.

Room: Meeting Room 2

Session is open:


Nuclear Issues


Amanda Best
Deputy Executive Secretary
Maryland Public Service Commission
Bob Capstick
Director of Government Affairs
Yankee Atomic Electric Company

Public-Private Partnerships Critical to Addressing the Economic Impacts of the Energy Transition on Energy Communities, Environmental Justice Considerations, and Workforce

Sunday, February 23
1:30pm – 2:30pm

Committee on Energy Resources and the Environment
Staff Subcommittee on Clean Coal and Carbon Management
Subcommittee on Clean Coal and Carbon Management

During the panel, experts will delve into the evolving U.S. energy landscape, examining its profound implications for communities and the workforce, as well as the pivotal roles and responsibilities of utilities and regulatory bodies. The discussion will highlight resources and strategies available to facilitate economic diversification within energy-dependent communities. Presenters will offer in-depth analyses of initiatives and share their experiences in aiding regions striving to revitalize and diversify their economies. These case studies will provide attendees with a comprehensive understanding of the challenges faced by energy communities, the strategies employed to overcome them, and the successes achieved. Furthermore, participants will gain insights into programs designed to support impacted regions and workers, essential for preserving economic stability and promoting new opportunities in the clean energy sector. The session will also cover grassroots efforts by regulated utilities to mitigate the effects of power plant closures, alongside innovative projects driving economic diversification.

Room: River Birch B

Session is open:


Energy Resources and the Environment


Hon. Mary Throne
Wyoming Public Service Commission

Spurring Economic Development by Extending Natural Gas Service

Sunday, February 23
1:30pm – 2:30pm

Staff Subcommittee on Gas

Extending natural gas service to unserved and underserved areas can be used to attract new and diverse businesses and industries resulting in immediate and long-term economic benefits. One such example is in the State of Nevada where legislation was enacted to permit the natural gas utility to expand its infrastructure to aid economic development. This panel will discuss the economic development spurred by extending natural gas service in unserved areas.

Room: Rock Creek A

Session is open:




Adam Danise
Senior Electrical Engineer
Nevada Public Utilities Commission
Don Brominski
Business Development Director
UGI Utilities, Inc.

Demand Roundtable

Sunday, February 23
1:30pm – 3:45pm

Room: Potomac 3

Session is open:



Power Markets Simulation - Interactive Demonstration

Sunday, February 23
1:30pm – 3:45pm

Staff Subcommittee on Electricity

Commissioners and commission staff have an opportunity to step into the shoes of power generators and electricity suppliers! Attendees will experience first-hand how economic theory and market design can aid in informing regulatory policy. This interactive learning session examining wholesale power markets is sponsored by the Staff Subcommittee on Electricity.

Complimentary attendance but separate registration required. Space is limited.

Register for Power Markets Simulation (Commissioners and Commission Staff Only)

Room: Rock Creek B / C

Session is open:



Power Sips and Connections

Sunday, February 23
2:30pm – 2:45pm

Session is open:

Sunday, February 23
2:45pm – 3:45pm

Staff Subcommittee on Pipeline Safety
Subcommittee on Pipeline Safety

Room: River Birch B

Session is open:


Pipeline Safety


Massoud Tahamtani
Deputy Associate Administrator for Policy and Programs
Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration

Sunday, February 23
2:45pm – 3:45pm

Staff Subcommittee on Information Services

Room: Meeting Room 16

Session is open:


Information Services

The Pathway Forward Framework – Comprehensive Tool for Advancing Organizational DEI Maturity

Sunday, February 23
2:45pm – 3:45pm

Select Committee on Regulatory and Industry Diversity

The Pathway Forward Framework is a comprehensive tool for advancing organizational DEI (Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion) maturity within the clean energy industry. It provides accessible, measurable approaches for implementing DEI actions tailored specifically for renewable energy organizations. Understanding effective DEI practices, behaviors, and actions—regardless of size, location, or sector—can accelerate the transition to a more inclusive workplace.


The framework model identifies six “levers” of organizational functioning that are most critical to advancing DEI within clean and renewable energy sectors. Each lever highlights actionable areas for internal assessment and growth: leadership, recruitment pipeline, talent management, inclusive culture, community engagement, measurement.

For every lever, there are five defined stages of growth: explore, develop, implement, operationalize, transform. Each organization can identify the next steps for where they are on the DEI journey. Panelists will address these concepts from their respective points of view and focus on their applicability to utilities and state commissions.



Room: Anacostia D/E

Session is open:




Joseph LoSasso
Senior Manager, Industry Engagement
National Hydropower Association
Gwen Mizell
Senior Vice President, Chief Sustainability, Diversity & Philanthropy
Chris Nichols
Executive Director
Renewables Forward
Constance Thompson
Senior Vice President, Equity and Justice

Three Perspectives on New Nuclear Generation, Nuclear Waste, and Advanced Reactors

Sunday, February 23
2:45pm – 3:45pm

Subcommittee on Nuclear Issues-Waste Disposal

In this session, Commissioner Eric Skrmetta will bring forward a resolution to update the subcommittee's name. 

Then, Commissioners Tim Echols and Nick Myers will emcee a panel with Georgia Power's Jeremiah Haswell on how the math unfolded on construction for Vogtle Units 3 and 4, including how Georgia Power managed the projects’ prudency and reported milestones and challenges to the Georgia Public Service Commission. Then, Bob Capstick, a member of the Nuclear Waste Strategy Coalition Executive Committee, will break down the Nuclear Waste Fund: why it was created, how much it collected from state electric ratepayers, and what to do with it to make progress towards re-starting a national program to manage all the nation’s nuclear waste. Then, ClearPath's Niko McMurray will summarize the Accelerating Reliable Capacity (ARC) Act, a proposal from Sen. James Risch (R-ID) to encourage investment in advanced reactors. 

Room: Rock Creek A

Session is open:


Nuclear Issues


Hon. Tim Echols
Georgia Public Service Commission
Hon. Nick Myers
Arizona Corporation Commission
Hon. Eric Skrmetta
Louisiana Public Service Commission
Bob Capstick
Director of Government Affairs
Yankee Atomic Electric Company
Niko McMurray
Managing Director, Public Policy

Power Sips and Connections

Sunday, February 23
3:45pm – 4:00pm

Session is open:

Sunday, February 23
4:00pm – 5:00pm

Committee on Critical Infrastructure

Room: Potomac 3

Session is open:


Critical Infrastructure

Sunday, February 23
4:00pm – 5:00pm

Committee on Consumers and the Public Interest

Room: Anacostia D/E

Session is open:



Sunday, February 23
4:00pm – 5:00pm

Committee on International Relations

Room: Rock Creek A

Session is open:


International Relations

Sunday, February 23
4:00pm – 5:00pm

Staff Subcommittee on Pipeline Safety
Subcommittee on Pipeline Safety

Room: River Birch B

Session is open:


Pipeline Safety

Sunday, February 23
4:00pm – 5:00pm

Staff Subcommittee on Administrative Law Judges
Staff Subcommittee on Executive Management
Staff Subcommittee on Law

Commission Staff won't want to miss this interactive meeting on hot issues facing Commissions! 

Join Staff Chairs: Sallie Tanner & Doug Clark of SS on Exec Mgmt, Bridgett Frazier, SS on ALJ and Elizabeth Barnes and Greg Walklin, SS on Law, and be a part of the conversation. 

Interested in joining one of these Staff Subcommittees? Send email to 


Room: Meeting Room 16

Session is open:


Executive Management

Welcome Reception

Sunday, February 23
5:00pm – 6:00pm

Room: Potomac Ballroom and Networking Foyer

Session is open:

Monday, February 24

Commission Chairs Council Breakfast

Monday, February 24
8:00am – 9:15am

(Commission Chairs Only)

Room: Meeting Room 16

Session is open:

Newcomers Forum and Breakfast

Monday, February 24
8:00am – 9:15am

(Invitees Only)

Room: River Birch B

Session is open:

Metro Morning Coffee

Monday, February 24
8:45am – 9:45am

Session is open:


Monday, February 24
9:15am – 10:45am

Welcome to Washington

Kick off of the 2025 Winter Policy Summit by The Hon. Ann Rendahl, Washington, NARUC 1st VP

Mutual Assistance: The Power of Partnership

Mutual assistance plays a critical role in keeping the lights on. From its humble beginnings where utilities joined together organically in response to storms, to the robust support network that it is today — deploying tens of thousands of personnel and resources to storm hit areas — mutual assistance is a great example of the power of partnership and the recognition of energy as a necessity.

The grid remains vulnerable to impacts from myriad risks throughout the country, including hurricanes, bomb cyclones, ice storms, and wildfires. Electric companies and regulators are continuing to implement or explore measures for grid hardening, with prudent investments to reduce the extent, intensity, and duration of extreme weather events. Although these efforts will protect infrastructure, limit outages, and reduce system restoration times, mutual assistance programs will continue their long history of providing a framework for sharing skilled personnel and/or equipment from unaffected areas to those in need, expediting the restoration process.

This panel will explore the history of mutual assistance efforts, various mutual assistance frameworks, and the organizations that support these efforts, including the American Public Power Association’s (APPA’s) Mutual Aid Network, the National Rural Electric Cooperative Association (NRECA) Electric Cooperative Mutual Assistance, the Edison Electric Institute’s (EEI) Mutual Assistance Program, and the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (IBEW). Panelists will discuss the evolution of these programs and the industry’s year-round planning and preparation efforts, provide real examples of how mutual assistance efforts are deployed, and explain the coordination required for effective system restoration following major outage events.


EPRI Presentation: Foundational Report on Demand and Load Growth: Arshad Mansoor, President and CEO, EPRI. 

Room: Potomac Ballroom

Session is open:


Chris Womack
Chairman, President & Chief Executive Officer
Southern Company
Arshad Mansoor
President and CEO
Michele O'Connell
President and CEO
Orange & Rockland
Maria Pope
CEO and President
Portland General Electric
Harry Sideris
Duke Energy
Eliecer Viamontes
Chief Executive Officer
Entergy Texas, Inc.

Power Sips and Connections

Monday, February 24
10:45am – 11:15am

Session is open:

Monday, February 24
11:15am – 12:15pm

Staff Subcommittee on Pipeline Safety

Room: Sycamore

Session is open:


Pipeline Safety


Paul Maguire
Manager, Pipeline Safety Division
Nevada Public Utilities Commission

Economic Regulation and the Global Climate: Commissioner and Stakeholder Perspectives

Monday, February 24
11:15am – 12:15pm

Committee on Gas

State utility regulators have been tasked with a growing set of objectives beyond the safety, reliability, and affordability of energy utilities. As policymakers and stakeholders press utility commissions to implement emissions reduction strategies, it is important to look at the bigger picture of what is driving economy-wide emissions and who is involved in regulating those sectors. Where do utility commissions fit in this complex and evolving landscape? How much impact can they have on emissions? And what regulatory approaches are feasible – and, more importantly, just and reasonable – for utility commissions to implement?

Room: Anacostia D/E

Session is open:




Hon. Lawrence Friedeman
Public Utilities Commission of Ohio
Travis Kavulla
Vice President of Regulatory Affairs
Dan LeFevers
Director, State and Consumer Programs
GTI Energy

Load Growth- A Regulator's Guide to Getting it Right

Monday, February 24
11:15am – 12:15pm

Committee on Energy Resources and the Environment

In December of 2023, the North American Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC) nearly tripled its 9-year electricity demand forecast from the prior year, from 200 to 550 gigawatt-hours (GWh) of growth. Within the last year, several U.S. utilities and ISO/RTOs significantly increased their peak demand forecasts, largely driven by a surge in data centers, manufacturing, and federal, state and local policies advancing electrification.

Given the significant investment required to upgrade and expand the grid, this panel will explore best practices in dealing with expected, but uncertain, load growth. Consumers cannot afford to either wait years for adequate supplies of electricity, nor to experience unnecessary overbuilds like we saw in the 1970’s or ’80’s.  How can regulators better forecast when, where, and what amounts load growth will appear? How do regulators use ever-changing forecasts to determine a prudent amount of transmission and generation and avoid under- or over-building? How can regulators meet this unprecedented load growth while ensuring ratepayers do not face exorbitant utility bills?

Room: Potomac 3

Session is open:


Energy Resources and the Environment


Hon. Christine Guhl-Sadovy
New Jersey Board of Public Utilities
Greg Geller
Founder and CEO, Stack Energy Consulting
Stack Energy Consulting
Angela Navarro
ALN Policy and Law, LLC
Jason Stanek
Executive Director
PJM Interconnection
Raghusimha Sudhakara
Vice President, Distributed Resources Integration
Con Edison

Navigating Communications Policy: Congressional and FCC Priorities for the New Legislative Term

Monday, February 24
11:15am – 12:15pm

Committee on Telecommunications

Senior congressional staffers and FCC officials will discuss the evolving communications policy landscape under the new Congress and new FCC leadership.  Panelists will outline key legislative and regulatory priorities, includng broadband expansion, spectrum policy, and oversight of emerging technologies.  This session will also explore how these planned federal initiatives may impact states' regulatory frameworks.

Room: River Birch B

Session is open:




Hon. Chris Nelson
South Dakota Public Utilities Commission

Shifting Sands: Outlooks on The Supreme Court's Overturn of Chevron

Monday, February 24
11:15am – 12:15pm

Committee on Electricity

In a landmark decision, the U.S. Supreme Court recently overturned the Chevron doctrine, a long-standing principle that gave deference to federal agencies' interpretations of ambiguous laws. Eight months after this decision, how have we seen the results play out in the energy space? What does this mean for the future of FERC rulemaking, and how might it reshape the role of the courts in interpreting legislationWhat changed role or authority, if any, will states have moving forward? Join our panel of experts to explore the results and the future impacts of this decision on FERC, states, and other actors in the energy system.   

Room: Potomac 1 & 2

Session is open:




Hon. John Hammond

Update on Federal Utility Funding Programs

Monday, February 24
11:15am – 12:15pm

Committee on Water
Staff Subcommittee on Water

Joint Business Meeting of the Water Committee and Staff Subcommittee on Water


  • Update on Federal Utility Funding Programs  
  • Committee Business

Room: Rock Creek A

Session is open:




Hon. Jeff Hughes
North Carolina Utilities Commission
Kiri Anderer
Director, DWSRF Program
Michael Deane
Director, CWSRF Program
Jorianne Jernberg
Director, WIFIA Program

Committee Chairs/Staff Subcommittee Chairs Luncheon

Monday, February 24
12:15pm – 1:30pm

(Invitees Only)

Session is open:

Monday, February 24
1:45pm – 2:45pm

Committee on Electricity

Room: Potomac 1 & 2

Session is open:



Business Meeting

Monday, February 24
1:45pm – 2:45pm

Committee on Energy Resources and the Environment

How Does Your Crystal Ball Compare to Others? Hear Federal Policy Predictions for 2025 From Several Major Trade Associations

Room: Potomac 3

Session is open:


Energy Resources and the Environment


Hon. Stacey Paradis
Illinois Commerce Commission
Chris Franklin
Chairman & CEO
Essential Utilities
Andrew Neill
Senior Director for Federal Political and Government Affairs
Nuclear Energy Institute (NEI)
Carrie Zalewski
Vice President, Markets & Transmission
American Clean Power

Challenges to the Future of Water Affordability

Monday, February 24
1:45pm – 2:45pm

Committee on Water

 Water utilities of all sizes face are facing challenges that are placing upward pressure on rates.  Today’s water providers must juggle wildfires, severe storms, cyber threats, aging infrastructure, and requirements to replace lead services lines and remediate for PFAS, all while trying to ensure that rates continue to be affordable for customers.  On this panel, utilities of various sizes and geographic locations will discuss how they are managing these challenges while also keeping in mind affordability.


Room: Rock Creek A

Session is open:




Hon. Michael Bange
New Jersey Board of Public Utilities
Craig Gott
Suburban Water Systems
Jay Kooper
VP, General Counsel and Secretary
Middlesex Water Company
John Tang
Vice President Regulatory Affairs and Government Relations
San Jose Water Company

Communication and Coordination Between Utilities and Broadband Providers During New Broadband Deployment

Monday, February 24
1:45pm – 2:45pm

Committee on Telecommunications

As broadband construction picks up pace across the country in 2025, protection of existing buried infrastructure will be paramount. Failures of communication and coordination between broadband providers and existing utilities could cause significant delays, unnecessary costs, or risks to public safety. This panel will explore ways incoming broadband providers can increase cooperation and efficiency in the buildout process to the benefit of the providers, utilities, and ratepayers alike.

Room: River Birch B

Session is open:




Hon. Tim Schram
Shelly Bergstrom
Sr Manager Enterprise Business Operations
Ed Jarrett
Senior Manager of Plant Operations
Allo Fiber
Jenn Shikany
VP for Rates & Regulatory Strategy
Becky Valcq
AVP, Regulatory Affairs
Alliant Energy

Peering into the Future: Planning Prudent Investments in Gas and Electric Infrastructure

Monday, February 24
1:45pm – 2:45pm

Committee on Gas

In almost every part of the U.S., electricity and gas currently complement each other in delivering safe, affordable, and reliable power and heat to American homes and buildings. Delivering these commodities to end users depends on decentralized and interdependent distribution networks, much of which is subject to state regulation. As patterns of both electricity and gas use are changing in response to extreme weather events, customer and policy pushes for decarbonization, and load growth, questions are emerging about how state utility regulators can oversee prudent investments in both types of infrastructure. This panel will explore technology options, analytical tools, and regulatory strategies to integrate and optimize gas and electric systems.

Room: Anacostia D/E

Session is open:




Hon. Stephen DeFrank
Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission

Power Sips and Connections

Monday, February 24
2:45pm – 3:15pm

Session is open:


Monday, February 24
3:15pm – 4:30pm

Executive Director's Greeting

Tony Clark will deliver his first address to NARUC since becoming Executive Director on January 1. He'll provide insights into the work of the Association and preview what to expect in 2025. 

Remarks by Senator Shelley Moore Capito of West Virginia

Introduction by the Hon. Charlotte Lane, West Virginia

Fireside Chat with the Hon. David Wright, Chair, Nuclear Regulatory Commission

Remarks by Ms. Grace Stanke, Nuclear Fuels Engineer & Clean Energy Advocate, Constellation; Miss America 2023 (Wisconsin)




Session is open:

Commissioner Emeritus Meeting

Monday, February 24
4:45pm – 5:30pm

(Commissioner Emeritus Only)

Room: Meeting Rooms 8 & 9

Session is open:


Monday, February 24
4:45pm – 5:30pm

(Invitees Only)

Room: Meeting Room 3

Session is open:


Monday, February 24
4:45pm – 5:30pm

(Invitees Only)

Room: Meeting Room 2

Session is open:


Monday, February 24
4:45pm – 5:30pm

(Invitees Only)

Room: Meeting Room 6

Session is open:


Monday, February 24
4:45pm – 5:30pm

(Invitees Only)

Room: Meeting Room 5

Session is open:


Monday, February 24
4:45pm – 5:30pm

(Invitees Only)

Room: Meeting Room 4

Session is open:

Staff Power Hour

Monday, February 24
4:45pm – 5:45pm

(Commission Staff Only)

Room: Rock Creek Foyer

Session is open:

Tuesday, February 25

Commissioner Only Breakfast

Tuesday, February 25
7:30am – 9:15am

(Commissioners Only)

Session is open:

Metro Morning Coffee

Tuesday, February 25
9:00am – 10:00am

Session is open:

Tuesday, February 25
9:30am – 10:30am

Committee on Electricity

Room: Potomac 1 & 2

Session is open:



Business Meeting

Tuesday, February 25
9:30am – 10:30am

Committee on Gas
  1. Honorary and substantive resolution discussion and vote
  2. NARUC Center for Partnerships & Innovation update
  3. Center for Strategic and International Studies Report Shows Natural Gas is Critical for U.S. Manufacturing Competitiveness

Room: Anacostia D/E

Session is open:




Hon. Stephen DeFrank
Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission
Joseph Majkut
Director, Energy Security and Climate Change Program
Center for Strategic and International Studies
Jane Nakano
Senior Fellow, Energy Security and Climate Change Program
Center for Strategic and International Studies

Cybersecurity in the Water Sector: Innovations, Challenges and Lessons Learned

Tuesday, February 25
9:30am – 10:30am

Committee on Water

The water and wastewater sectors depend on the digital world, leveraging technology for monitoring, operations and communicating with customers. At the same time, water utilities are the targets for many cyber criminals who are aware that any disruption to the water sector will have significant impacts on the communities they serve, as well as to other critical infrastructure. Panelists will discuss resources and innovations available to help protect the water utilities from cyber crimes, as well as real world lessons learned from experience with cyberattacks.


Room: Rock Creek A

Session is open:


Critical Infrastructure


Hon. De'keither Stamps
Mississippi Public Service Commission
Kendra Morris
CEO, Regulated Water
Veolia North America
Nicholas Santillo
VP, Chief Information Security Officer
American Water
Dr. Ymir Vigfusson
Co-founder & CTO
Lauren Wisniewski
Water and Wastewater Sector Liaison, Stakeholder Engagement Division
Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency

Data Center + Co-located Nuclear = The Answer to Rapid Load Growth?

Tuesday, February 25
9:30am – 10:30am

Committee on Energy Resources and the Environment
Staff Subcommittee on Nuclear Issues-Waste Disposal

As demand for artificial intelligence grows, so is the need for large-scale data centers. Serving this load will require vast resources and planning. Large loads can require extensive transmission and system upgrades which could take years to develop, and whose cost may be borne by all customers. Supporters of co-locating data centers with existing nuclear power plants claim this approach will make grid upgrade costs easier to allocate to these new loads. However, co-location would also remove existing reliable zero-carbon generation from serving customers on the broader grid. As such, is co-location with nuclear generation the answer to spur rapid growth in zero-carbon data centers? Or should other approaches be considered?

Regardless of how policymakers and grid operators opt to proceed, all stakeholders can agree that this transformational development must be done in a manner that ensures a reliable and affordable electric system for all customers.

This panel will bring together experts to explore potential the benefits and challenges of co-locating data centers with nuclear power plants. This is a complicated subject with plenty of room for differing opinions in uncharted energy waters!

Room: Potomac 3

Session is open:


Energy Resources and the Environment
Nuclear Issues


Hon. Angie Hatton
Kentucky Public Service Commission
Hon. Eric Skrmetta
Louisiana Public Service Commission
John Moura
Director: Reliability Assessments and Performance Analysis
North American Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC)
Invited Representative
Amazon Web Services

The End Is Near: POTs Is Phasing Out, How Should the States Respond?

Tuesday, February 25
9:30am – 10:30am

Committee on Telecommunications

Copper networks are costly to maintain and can't provide competitive broadband speeds, but reators don't wnt swaths of rural and low-income households to lose access to 911 and voice services.  As broadband expands across te country, has the time come to declare plain old telephone service dead?  AT&T has announced plans to decommission its copper network across its footprint (with the exception of California) by 2029.  Other companies are expected to follow suit.  As users move from POTS to services provided over broadband, how can states ensure that consumer protections remain in place and that both voice and data sservices remain available to all?

Room: River Birch B

Session is open:




Hon. Mary Pat Regan
Kentucky PUC
Caroline Van Wie
Vice President, Federal Regulatory

Power Sips and Connections

Tuesday, February 25
10:30am – 11:00am

Session is open:

Tuesday, February 25
11:00am – 12:00pm

Committee on Electricity

Room: Potomac 1 & 2

Session is open:



Emerging Inclusive Community Solar Opportunities

Tuesday, February 25
11:00am – 12:00pm

Committee on Consumers and the Public Interest
Committee on Energy Resources and the Environment

There are over 1,600 community solar projects across 41 states plus DC, contributing 6.5 GW of energy to the grid.  Minnesota has implemented a community solar mandate and incentives, including requiring 30% of the capacity to be reserved for low to moderate income households.  What are different community solar program design options?  How can regulators support equitable access to these programs?  How can CSG programs be combined with bill assistance, such as through recent policy changes to LIHEAP?  How should regulators encourage or require bill savings for participants?

Room: Potomac 3

Session is open:


Energy Resources and the Environment


Hon. Floyd McKissick Jr.
North Carolina Utilities Commission
Hon. Pat O'Connell
New Mexico Public Regulation Commission
Molly Knoll
Vice President of Policy
Coalition for Community Solar Access

How will the 6th Circuit Decision Classifying BIAS as an Information Service Impact the States?

Tuesday, February 25
11:00am – 12:00pm

Committee on Telecommunications

The 6th Circuit decision has limited the FCC's ability to set policies for and oversee broadband access service (BIAS).  In recent years, legislators and regulators in a growing number of states have explored and enacted laws and policies addressing issues like netwrk neutrality. consumer privacy, universal service, digital discrimination, and VoIP regulation, just to name a few.  Will the 6th Circuit decision accelerte this process?  How will the states respond?  Panelists will disciss tjese trends, offer their predictions for what might come next, and explore the impact of this new regulator dynamic on consumers.




Room: River Birch B

Session is open:




Hon. Sarah Freeman
Indiana Utility Regulatory Commission
Michael Santorelli
New York Law School

Supporting Recycling and Energy Reliability with Biogas

Tuesday, February 25
11:00am – 12:00pm

Committee on Gas

There is a growing demand for biogas across the country. This panel will feature presentations from leading experts in the field with a focus on the role that biogas will play in the clean energy future. Panelists will discuss what biogas is and how it supports energy supply and gas infrastructure agility, including the role of biogas in the production of hydrogen, e-fuels, and renewable natural gas. Panelists will also offer insights on policies driving biogas production like organics diversion and “clean-firm” electricity, and the impact on regulators and utilities.

Room: Anacostia D/E

Session is open:


Energy Resources and the Environment


Hon. Kathryn Zerfuss
Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission

U.S. Water Infrastructure Outlook 2025: Navigating Challenges & Embracing Opportunities

Tuesday, February 25
11:00am – 12:00pm

Committee on Water

Our nation’s drinking water infrastructure system is made up of 2.2 million miles of underground pipes that deliver safe, reliable water to millions of people. Unfortunately, the system is aging and in need of replacement.  Add to this the recent mandates by EPA for water utilities to install PFAS remediation and address lead and copper pipes, and the result is that many water utilities will be undertaking massive infrastructure projects in 2025.  However, executing these projects is not always easy.  Utilities are under timelines to comply with EPA regulations, however, permitting for these projects can present a challenge.  Securing funding, whether through private capital or through grants, can also be difficult. Panelists will discuss the challenges they face in siting infrastructure projects and potential solutions to ensure these necessary projects see the light of day.  


Room: Rock Creek A

Session is open:




Hon. Stacey Paradis
Illinois Commerce Commission
Colleen Arnold
Aqua America
Josiah Cox
Central States Water Resources
Dane Sinagra
P.E. Director of Capital Program and Engineering Design
Golden State Water Company

Lunch on Your Own

Tuesday, February 25
12:00pm – 1:15pm

Session is open:

General Session

Tuesday, February 25
1:30pm – 2:45pm

Room: Potomac Ballroom

Session is open:

Power Sips and Connections

Tuesday, February 25
2:45pm – 3:15pm

Session is open:

GENERAL SESSION: The Road to Capital Markets: The Intersection of Regulatory & Financial Impacts

Tuesday, February 25
3:15pm – 4:30pm

Investor-Owned Utilities (IOUs) are heavily dependent on access to capital markets to make the necessary investments to satisfy their obligation to serve. Trends in the power sector such as AI and data center growth, infrastructure expansion, electrification of transit fleets, and increased risk from natural disasters continue to put pressure on the cost of capital threatening affordability and overall operations. Trends outside of the power sector like interest rate fluctuations, changes in macro-economic conditions or even regulatory changes at agencies like the Securities and Exchange Commission can have a downstream impact on the flow of capital. 

 Though the information may appear dull to some, regulators should be keenly aware of how these broader trends impact the finances of the utilities they regulate. Breaking down information silos and combatting the perception that regulators are wary of talking to investment analysts is a key tenet of this conversation. 

 This panel will identify the principal participants in the capital markets and how their roles influence the cost of and access to capital by electric utilities. Experts will share insights on the capital market outlook, given the need for utilities to access capital to fund their capital expenditure plans. Additionally, panelists will highlight ways to improve collaboration, partnership, and information sharing among regulators and investors.

Room: Potomac Ballroom

Session is open:


Hon. Tricia Pridemore
NARUC President
Georgia Public Service Commission
Mark Birk
Chairman & President
Calvin Butler
President and CEO
Steve Fleishman
Senior Analyst - Utilities and Clean Energy
Wolfe Research
Michael Haggarty
Associate Managing Director, Power/Utilities- Americas
Moody's Ratings

Wednesday, February 26

Metro Morning Coffee

Wednesday, February 26
9:00am – 10:15am

Session is open:

GENERAL SESSION: From Regulators to Legislators: Former Utility Commissioners on Capitol Hill

Wednesday, February 26
9:30am – 11:00am

Former state regulators, now members of Congress, will share their unique insights with the Winter Policy Summit.  As former members of NARUC, these legislators have all sat in the chairs of our current members, and they know the pressures state regulators face.  They will share their perspectives on prospects for new legislation in the 119th Congress, their priorities for 2025, and their thoughts on emerging public policies that affect consumers, state commissions and regulated industries.

Room: Potomac Ballroom

Session is open:


Hon. Chris Nelson
South Dakota Public Utilities Commission
Hon. Doug Scott
Illinois Commerce Commission
Hon. Julie Fedorchak
North Dakota

NARUC Board of Directors Meeting

Wednesday, February 26
11:15am – 1:00pm

The NARUC Board of Director Meeting is open to all registrants.

Room: Anacostia D/E

Session is open:

One Day Read-In Classified Threat - MEMBERS ONLY - Pre-registration required

Wednesday, February 26
1:00pm – 4:30pm

Committee on Critical Infrastructure
Staff Subcommittee on Critical Infrastructure

Registration link for the Wednesday Threat Brief is here:

One Day Read-In Classified Threat Brief. Must Pre-register.
Registration is required. Open to commissioners and staff only, with priority to members of the Critical Infrastructure Committee. Attendance is limited.
Threat brief on Wednesday, February 26, during the Winter Policy Summit in Washington, D.C. The brief will be conducted by DOE, FBI, and will be presented at the Department of Energy headquarters. We will provide transportation to DOE and return; buses load after the General Session concludes. Boxed lunches will be provided.

Session is open:


Critical Infrastructure

Workshop: Nuclear Regulatory Modernization

Wednesday, February 26
1:00pm – 4:30pm

Wednesday, Feb. 26 1:00 – 4:30 pm ET
Convened through the NARUC-NASEO Advanced Nuclear State Collaborative, with support from the U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Nuclear Energy
Open to commissioners and commission staff, State Energy Office staff, and invited guests
Following the passage of the ADVANCE Act in July 2024, the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission is implementing reforms toward the efficient regulation of advanced nuclear reactors. This workshop will engage state public utility commissions and NRC leadership and staff to learn about the Commission’s regulatory modernization initiatives, share information about NRC licensing timelines for activities, identify strategies to enhance the economic and safety regulation of advanced reactors, and discuss opportunities for collaboration between the NRC and states.

Session is open: